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See the sexy body of this 61 year old grandpa (photos)

Meet Liang Yuxiang, a hot 61 year old granddad from  Chengdu, China. According to reports by MetroUK, Liang has been going to the gym regularly for the last ten years. He’s also a big fan of paragliding and racing cars and upped his fitness regime in his 40's when he experienced a midlife crisis.

Liang says:
"I see bodybuilding as my hobby,’ The only dieting principle I follow is that we should only fill our stomachs to about 70%,’Other than that I eat whatever I want because I believe the body’s cravings are its way of telling us what we’re lacking. I particularly love eating meat."
See the sexy body of this 61 year old grandpa (photos) See the sexy body of this 61 year old grandpa (photos) Reviewed by Anaskyspot on 04:00:00 Rating: 5

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